Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal

US$    € EURO    ¥ YEN    £ POUND    CAN$    AUS$    Note

SV173 - Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz $ 900 (=~ AUS$ 1372)
Panasquiera, Portugal
cabinet - 12 x 3.7 x 3.3 cm

(click on an image to enlarge)

Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal [db_pics/pics/SV173a.jpg] Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal [db_pics/pics/SV173b.jpg] Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal [db_pics/pics/SV173c.jpg] Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal [db_pics/pics/SV173i.jpg] Arsenopyrite, Ferberite in Quartz from Panasquiera, Portugal [db_pics/pics/SV173j.jpg]

Tall, complete single Quartz crystal from Panasquiera loaded with includions. An undamaged, highly transparent crystal with lots of inclusion of both Arseopyrite crystals and Ferberite, possibly others. There is some attached Arsenopyrite around the base.

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